BLOCK-ONE HOUSE Kumusta Naman!

Monday, May 10, 2004

10 things to make luv lasts...

Message: Love is a complex emotion, but most of us agree
that it requires trust, respect, communication,
communication and communication. Now that you’ve
met an online honey and actually said, “I love
you,” it’s time to make your love real. Use
these ten secrets to make your relationship last.

1. Keep on courting.
Whatever you did to win your partner is worth
repeating. Don’t take love for granted. Continue
with flowers, candy and thoughtful messages
declaring, “I’m thinking of you,” and “I miss
you.” The sum of all these little things will be
greater than its parts.

2. Share responsibilities and control.
Both of you should plan and arrange your dates.
Resist the constricting roles of leader-
follower, host-guest and driver-passenger.
Romance requires energy and enthusiasm from both
of you.

3. Focus on common interests.
Work and responsibilities have a tendency to
take over our personal lives. Remember to make
time for the activities you both enjoy. This
requires thoughtful planning in advance if
you’re going to attend that important concert or
sports event.

4. Allow for separate interests.
Participate in at least one non-professional
activity that doesn’t involve your partner. You
can’t be together 24/7, and everyone needs a
hobby. It may seem odd to schedule time apart,
but even short absences make the heart grow

5. Learn something new together.
Take lessons, enroll in a class or participate
in an endeavor that involves something
altogether new to both of you. Maybe it’s
skydiving or painting or volunteering for a
local hospice. The point is to combine two pasts
into a single present and a united future.

6. Establish traditions.
Eat the same special meal each month to
celebrate the day you met. Email each other at
the same time each day. Make Saturday’s your
night. The goal is to create moments that are
meaningful to you as a couple.

7. Write and send love notes.
Handwritten letters are infinitely more romantic
than store-bought cards. Expressing what’s in
your heart is more important than being poetic,
so don’t panic. If your handwriting sucks, hire
a calligrapher. If you’re creative, include a
poem or a song.

8. Make your time together quality time.
The trick is to be in tune with your partner.
You don’t have to be psychic. Just be observant,
attentive and a good listener. A relationship
means sharing joys and concerns — even when you
don’t cause them. And if your partner needs to
let off steam, your empathy is what matters. You
don’t need to offer a solution.

9. Stay fit.
Practice good health. Your body is important for
romance. Take care of it.

10. Talk to each other.
Romantic fires keep burning with the sparks that
come from communication, communication and more


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